Ahh, moving day! Moving can be exciting and can give you a fresh new start—but oy! The moving part! Such a pain. However, depending on how much you’re moving, you may be able to skip the big truck and use a simple cargo van, like the ones we rent at Allsave Car Rental Maui. In fact, it might even make it easier.
Here are a few reasons why a cargo van might suit your needs more efficiently (and cheaply) than a big moving truck.
Parking is much easier.
Have you ever tried to park a moving truck on a busy street of an apartment building? It’s not fun. Residences are situated close to one another, people and dogs are running around, cars are honking, and finding a spot for a big moving truck can be near impossible. And even when you do find a spot, there is the stress of you needing to move the truck pretty soon. However, a cargo van won’t have this issue. Although it is bigger than a normal car, it’s much better than a moving truck. You’ll be able to take more time unloading your things without worrying about causing traffic jams.

Getting through traffic is much easier.
A cargo van will allow you to move through traffic much more effortlessly than a moving truck will. Your boxes will also be safer because they won’t be sliding and shifting around everywhere. Instead, they will be tucked in more tightly together.
Moving trucks can be too big.
Lots of people immediately think they’ll need a big moving truck to help transport all of their things, but very often, they’re mistaken, and they don’t actually need all that space. This is especially true for those who are moving without bringing any furniture. Before renting the moving truck, consider if you truly need all that space for your boxes and possessions.
Cargo vans can keep damage at bay.
By filling up a smaller vehicle with items, it lowers the risk of them moving around and falling. A cargo van is smaller and easier to stack boxes in and fill up than a big moving truck. This helps prevent damage to your things.
It’s cheaper.
Moving truck rentals can cost hundreds of dollars a day—and that’s not including the fee for each mile you drive. If you plan to move over the course of a few days instead of just one, this cost can really add up, and it would be smart to consider a cargo van instead. Cargo vans are also more cost-effective because they have better fuel efficiency than large moving trucks, meaning you’ll pay less for gas with a cargo van.
So, before you rent a big moving truck for your move, think about whether a cargo van rental from AllSave Car Rental Maui would better fit your needs! Our cargo vans are clean and reliable. To find out more about our rentals, contact us at (808) 868-0071 today!